Thursday, July 3, 2008

Musings on 5th ed, Orks, + Tau

Well i'm on vacation in the great state of California until July 11. I should get back in to my wonderful town (Backwoods, MO) at just a little after 11:00pm CST if I have zero delays. If I have some reasonable delays, then I'll get there around 12:00AM CST July 12, which is just in time for the 40K Midnight Release. The only dissapointing thing is that I wont be able to enter any of the contests which (at my store) will all have prize support from GW which is nice.

Yes, I probably couldn't think of anything nerdier to do on a friday than attending the midnight release party for a new ruleset for a niche tabletop miniatures game.

At least I don't roleplay.

Besides my 5th ed book that i've already paid for I'd like to pick up the majority of the rest of the models I need for 1500 points of Orks. I still need a box of lootas, the battleforce box, and like 8 nobs. I think i'm going to make an order from since I plan to spend around a stupid sum of money. 20% off retail and 4.95 shipping? Count me in on that. Of course, don't take this as me dropping all support locally as FLGS ARE the backbone of the hobby game community.

I bought the Tau codex, despite the fact that all the army books will eventually be updated. I don't think the Tau is high on the list at the moment. I know we'll see Space Marines soon, which is why I held out on getting that.

Plus I wanted to toy around with their models.

I'm buying a Crisis Battlesuite when I get back.

Ultimately GW is right: by the models you think are cool. At least with Battle Suits they don't suck in game.

I'll probably never play Sisters of Battle/Inquisition, Chaos, or Daemons simply because, while cool, I don't really care for the model ranges.

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